MorgenWonen Delftlanden impressie voorzijde Koenen  Bouw


There is a great need for housing and preservation. At the same time, materials and labor are becoming scarcer. We see opportunities to transform complex housing development and construction processes into a clear process. We do this with our residential label MorgenWonen: the residential variations of VolkerWessels. Our challenge? To build affordable, high-quality, comfortable and sustainable homes.

Een morgenwonen gebouw waarvan de voorkant wordt geinstalleerd

Industrial building

With MorgenWonen from VolkerWessels, you get a lot of experience. In addition to expertise and craftsmanship, we have factories where we prefabricate our homes in concrete or wood. These are made according to the latest industrial insights and techniques.

We build industrially. We use our own factories and workshops within the VolkerWessels concern. Here we produce all the building components we need. Complete facades, roofs, stairs and bathrooms or complete three-dimensional modules are completely delivered to the construction site. We master this method like no other. How so? We have been doing this since 2014. In the Netherlands, we are the first to produce houses and apartments 100% in-house in this way. MorgenWonen thus guarantees the highest quality of industrial construction.

“With the residential variations of MorgenWonen, VolkerWessels has solutions available to all relevant issues. We do this with our residential labels: MorgenWonen Pure, Plus and Wood.”


MorgenWonen Pure

  • Suitable for apartments and ground-level homes
  • Quality homes, produced under optimal conditions
  • Fast delivery with high quality, grip on costs
  • House generates more energy than it consumes 
  • Circular, demountable and reusable
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MorgenWonen Plus

  • Suitable for apartments and ground-level homes
  • Customized with quality components from the factory
  • Design freedom while maintaining the quality you've come to expect from us
  • Customize sustainability levels to meet specific needs
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MorgenWonen Hout

  • Suitable for apartments and ground-level houses
  • Quality houses made of wood, produced under optimal conditions
  • Fast delivery with high quality, grip on costsCircular, demountable and reusable

Circulair, duurzaam en energieneutraal

Low-energy, affordable, low-maintenance and sustainable living. Who doesn't want that? With MorgenWonen, you always opt for sustainability. This starts during construction with the choice of materials and attention to circularity. And this continues throughout the life of the home, with minimal energy consumption and low maintenance costs.

Circular construction

Circular construction means that we build with demountable and sustainable components. The home can be disassembled for reuse at a later date. In practice, it has a big impact on the way a home is created. This starts at the drawing board. We design the homes to be suitable for the reuse of materials. These materials and elements are applied with dry joints. Why? This way, dismantling the materials is easy and they can be reused.

Sustainable wood

Using sustainable wood is one of the most effective ways for the construction industry to address the climate problem. How can this be done? Wood is the only building material that stores CO2. Moreover, as a renewable resource, wood is the circular building material of choice. The wood used in MorgenWonen homes is certified wood. Because we only build with honest materials

TomorrowLiving: the home that generates more energy than it consumes

A MorgenWonen home generates more energy than it consumes. The house is equipped with a sustainable heat pump and the roof is (partially) covered with solar panels. The CO2 sensor-controlled ventilation continuously measures how much air needs to be supplied and removed. Because of this smart system, no energy is lost in heating excess air. In short, through the sustainable applications you live in a future-oriented home with optimal comfort, you contribute to a better environment and you also pay lower living costs!