
MorgenWonen builds 53 houses in 53 days in Hollandse Linde in Ede

VolkerWessels company MorgenWonen has completed a district of 53 houses in Ede. The foundations were laid in July 2020 and the first residents can already celebrate Christmas in their new home. For this project, MorgenWonen, as developer and industrial builder, has rapidly transformed this site into a beautiful neighbourhood. Take a look at the animation below:


A MorgenWonen house is a fully industrialised top quality house. All parts of the house are made in the VolkerWessels factories and assembled on location in one day.

The site where the Hollandse Linde district was realised was not in use for many years. In 2019, MorgenWonen entered into discussions with the owner of the site and subsequently drew up a plan. In consultation with the municipality of Ede, the design and engineering of the public space and underground infrastructure, such as cables and pipes, was given shape. At the end of 2019, MorgenWonen bought the site at its own risk and, with the help of a local estate agent, put the project, consisting of 24 rental homes and 29 owner-occupied homes, on the market.

The building permit was granted at the end of May 2020 and the site was made ready for construction in June 2020 so that the foundations could be laid. Immediately after the summer holidays, the assembly of the houses started, one per day. After 53 working days, all the houses were installed.

The NoNOX filter developed by VolkerWessels was used to minimise nitrogen emissions during the construction of this project. In November and December 2020, the construction of the infrastructure and landscaping of the project was completed and the first residents moved into their sustainable 'Zero on the Meter' house.