Scheveningen, Noordelijk Havenhoofd
The northern pier in Scheveningen is being redeveloped by VolkerWessels Vastgoed to make space for the fish-processing companies present and to strengthen the boulevard by adding new functions.

The plan is being developed in cooperation with the Municipality of The Hague and the local entrepreneurs united in the “Fish Cluster”. The total development includes approximately 65,000 m2 of new construction and a redesign of the public area.
The plans for the redevelopment of the Noordelijk Havenhoofd were initiated by the Viscluster, consisting of AZ Fisheries, Simonis, Plugge and Seafood Centre. VolkerWessels Vastgoed is developing and realizing the various plans in phases, based on a feasibility study.

The redevelopment of the Noordelijk Havenhoofd includes various new buildings, including a hotel with 226 rooms for Inntel Hotels and a new boathouse for the KNRM. Furthermore, new business premises for the fishing industry and new construction on the Strandweg with a size of approximately 10,000 m2. This new construction includes hospitality, stores, recreation, businesses, apartments and a large parking garage with 840 parking spaces. In addition, the entrepreneurs of the Fish Cluster will renew and enlarge their businesses on the Visafslagweg, adding new functions as well. The public area will be redesigned, with a new natural dune being constructed on and against the parking garage. This dune will soon form a beautiful meeting place overlooking the promenade and the beach.

The plans are being implemented in phases. Meanwhile, the Inntel hotel Marina Beach, two business halls for the Fish Entrepreneurs, a new boathouse for the KNRM and a new hospitality pavilion for Simonis have been realized. The parking garage was completed in 2023 and put into operation by Q-park.
On top of the parking garage, the Dune Pavilions plan will be realized with space for hospitality, stores, recreation and offices. After that, the dune on and against the parking garage can also be reinstalled. The dune will then become a fine area to stroll and stay.
Construction has also begun on two more business halls for the Fish Entrepreneurs. These will be completed in early 2024. On the Strand side of the business halls, next to the Inntel hotel, new buildings will be realized with catering and recreational apartments. Finally, the Strandweg will be redesigned and on the Visafslagweg the new plans for Simonis and AZ Fisheries will be realized.
Implementation will take several more years. The goal is to have everything realized by 2027.