Wood is hot! There is increasing attention and appreciation for wood as a raw material in construction, and wood is being used on an increasingly larger scale in housing projects, (certainly!) also within VolkerWessels. Just think of our own Performance Factory in Enschede or M'DAM in Monnickendam. This increasing demand is accompanied by the challenge of combining wood production with sustainable forest management and biodiversity.

Opting for certified wood is already a matter of course within VolkerWessels (99% of our wood procurement in 2022 was certified), but that is not the only way to protect forests. We are always looking for initiatives that can make an additional contribution, near and far. For example, we are always looking to reuse wood and use local wood. Participation in the 'From Forest to Construction' project is an example of this. Together with the Union of Forest Groups, the WUR and other parties involved in the forest and wood chain, VolkerWessels is looking for solutions for scaling up the use of wood from Dutch forests. The initiative aims to triple the use of native wood in (residential) construction by 2030. Increasing our sustainable use of wood also fits perfectly with our broader climate strategy Emission Free 2030.
Wood over here, forest over there
But when reuse and local wood is not an alternative/option, use of certified tropical wood can also make a positive contribution. FSC's campaign “Here wood, there forest” was launched this year to focus specifically on this. With scientific research, FSC wants to show that the idea that buying tropical wood is by definition irresponsible because it contributes negatively to deforestation and biodiversity loss, is a misconception. Sustainable forest management sets social, environmental and economic requirements. By choosing tropical timber that meets these requirements, the industry and consumers can actually help indirectly protect forests in the tropics. As a partner of FSC, we support this campaign. Curious about the facts and arguments behind the campaign, check out the campaign website.
Want to know more about other wood initiatives within VolkerWessels, contact Dirk van Hout (dvhout@avecodebondt.nl) or Wim Sturris (wsturris@degrootvroomshoop.nl).
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