Modular, all-wood buildings: They don't only look beautiful in any environment but also make an important contribution to societal challenges such as the reduction of C02 and nitrogen and a healthier living environment.

Modular, all-wood buildings: they not only look beautiful in any environment but also make an important contribution to societal challenges such as the reduction of C02 and nitrogen and a healthier living environment!
And there are more advantages, because this way of building is not only a sustainable but also quick solution. Recently, colleagues at De Groot Vroomshoop received a type approval for modular homes that they build in the factory. A great milestone, since soon it will no longer be necessary to assess each home separately at each location to see whether it meets all the requirements of building regulations. And that leads to speeding up procedures - an important housing policy objective.
Building with wood is also a godsend when it comes to adding extra floors to existing buildings. Topping up is a way to build additional housing quickly.