
Loostad starts construction Homerustoren in Almere Poort and sells tower to investment fund of Credit Linked Beheer

Loostad Vastgoedontwikkeling (part of VolkerWessels) has started the construction of the project Homerustoren in Almere Poort. On the Homeruslaan there will be a characteristic residential tower with 91 apartments with a diversity of housing types. The plan was designed by Klunder Architecten in collaboration with Deltavormgroep Landschapsarchitect. The construction of the residential tower will be realized by Bouwbedrijf Wessels Rijssen (also part of VolkerWessels).

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Purchase by Huurwoningen Nederland Fonds

Loostad Vastgoedontwikkeling and Huurwoningen Nederland Fonds, one of the investment funds managed by Credit Linked Beheer, have recently signed the purchase agreement for the residential tower. The purchase of the 91 apartments in the Homerustoren fits well with the objective of a diversified housing stock. Credit Linked Beheer expects broad interest for the fully finished apartments from different target groups. The fact that many facilities are available within walking distance makes living in the Homerustoren attractive. In Loostad and Bouwbedrijf Wessels Rijssen, Credit Linked Beheer has found attractive partners for the realization of the residential tower of almost 40 meters high, a true landmark with an impressive view of the IJmeer and the skyline of Amsterdam with from the higher floors. Leasing will start in early 2022. Interested parties can register earlier through the site:


Homerustoren consists of 12 floors and is characterized by contemporary architecture; expressive yet restrained. The tower connects in a natural way to the public space of the adjacent center area. A slender tower with a high-quality all-sided playful appearance and an attractive expressive entrance that invites to meet. A building that is spatially well integrated and that responds excellently to the adjacent downtown area, the city blocks and surrounding buildings. A path and entrance to the park behind the building will be provided for use by residents and neighbours. In this way a natural relationship is created between the building and the park. 

Attention for neighbourhood, people and animals

As a developer Loostad sees it as its duty to contribute to a sustainable future. Homerustoren is a plan where sustainability is reflected in various facets, for example through the use of sustainable materials, climate adaptation and biodiversity. But attention is also paid to social sustainability and 'nature-inclusive' construction in the plan. For example, a collective water garden will be realized where residents can meet each other. In addition, there will be various types of plants, bee hotels and nesting boxes. This not only creates a future-proof building for people, but also for animals.