
King Willem-Alexander officially opens Brainport Industries Campus

On Thursday morning, 3 October 2019, His Majesty King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands officially opened Brainport Industries Campus (BIC) in Eindhoven.  


Ferdinand Gremmen of SDK Vastgoed/VolkerWessels and Campus Director Erik Veurink welcomed the King at 10.30 am, after which he received a tour of the Campus. The King visited KMWE, Summa College and Fieldlab Flexible Manufacturing. The tour was followed by the official programme.

With some 1,500 BIC employees, students and invitees from the Netherlands and abroad in attendance, a makeshift area created in one of the large halls provided a special setting for the event. The programme was kicked off by television presenter Merijn Doggen, after which Ferdinand Gremmen, Petra van Lange (Summa board of governors), Erik van Merrienboer (Provincial Executive of the province of Noord-Brabant), Stijn Steenbakkers (Councillor for Economic Affairs for the municipality of Eindhoven) and Eindhoven Mayor John Jorritsma passionately spoke about their contribution and vision on the future of BIC. The King activated a high-tech robot that put the finishing touches on a coin. At the end of the morning the King placed the coin in an artwork, marking the official opening of BIC. It was a special day and huge milestone for the high-tech manufacturing sector.


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Measuring 100,000 m2, the first Factory of the Future at Brainport Industries Campus will train the next generation of high-tech manufacturing professionals in a state-of-the-art working and learning environment. Brainport Industries Campus serves as the home base for far-reaching cooperation between suppliers, specialist companies and innovative educational and knowledge institutions in the region. The campus will consist of a total of five factories.

About Brainport Industries Campus

Since 2014 SDK Vastgoed along with the municipality of Eindhoven, the province of Noord-Brabant,

Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (BOM) and Coörperatie Brainport Industries (BI) have been instrumental in the creation of Brainport Industries Campus (BIC). Brainport Industries Campus is the embodiment of a long-cherished dream of the Dutch high-tech manufacturing sector to continue to strengthen and grow its position on the global stage.

A development and manufacturing site for companies and knowledge institutions in the high-tech sector, Brainport Industries Campus (BIC) is located along the A2/N2 motorway near Eindhoven Airport. BIC’s concept features a modular set-up, making it easy to adjust the layout of the campus to the changing needs of users. A total of five factories will be realised in a 200-hectare area surrounded by nature. For more information go to ​​.

Source of photos: BIC/SDKVastgoed