Help with password reset
Dear Reader,
You’ve been redirected to this page because you are currently experiencing difficulties resetting your password.
There may be multiple reasons for this issue. The reason for this varies depending on your account type, account configuration or perhaps a system malfunction.
We request you to report this matter to your IT contact inside BVGO. He or she is authorized to make password reset requests for delegated users.
ITBV strives to provide you with a new password within 4 hours after the notification of the IT contact.
Please contact your supervisor if you do not know who your IT contact is.
External colleagues can check with their business contact within BVGO.
If there are any questions after reading this message, do not hesitate to contact the Servicedesk: phone 088-186-7777, or e-mail:
Be aware! Our Servicedesk is only authorized to reset a user’s password if this has been requested by the IT contact.